Source # 3:
Section 1:
Bowman, Greg. "Organic vs. Industrial Agriculture." organic consumers association (2008): n. Web. 23 Apr 2011. <>.
Section 2:
This source talks about the benefits of the green farming aver the traditional chemically-industrialized farming, it basically suggest that with chemically prepared pesticides and fertilizers we are introducing diseases for many farmers also these chemicals are toxic and harmful to the environment, while in green farming we use natural materials that can improve our environment.
This source also talks about the several studies that challenges the green farming and basically explains that in fact if we switched to the green farming we could actually improve the quality of the food produced also improve the environment, the writer talks about the farming practices that are done in Africa that has actually improved the soil fertility, better retention of water and resistant of drought.
Section 3:
This source is relevant because it talks about the possible solutions to the chemically-industrialized farming, and also views the benefits of the green farming and the bad effects of the traditional farming, also show some statistics and how the green farming has indeed improved the quality of farming and food production industry.
Section 4:
Relative quotes:” organic systems can produce more food value per acre through intensive multi-cropping not
possible when pesticides are used” (Greg Bowman).
possible when pesticides are used” (Greg Bowman).
Source # 4:
Section 1:
Lobao, Linda, and Curtis W. Stofferahn. "The community effects of industrialized farming." Agriculture and Human Values (2007): 1-22. Web. 23 Apr 2011. <>.
Section 2:
This source talks about the laws that regulate farming in the united states , and that it has been proved that the rational chemically-industrialized farming is producing bad chemicals that are used as herbicides and pesticides, and that it is better to switch to a more beneficial way.
This source views the issue as a corporate-general population problem, as the corporate people do not prefer to switch to the green farming because it is going to impact their profits from chemical selling, while these laws are trying to help the general public from exposing to all these chemicals that are destroying the environment and predisposing to cancers.
Section 3:
This source is relevant because it talks about the issue of the bossiness and the stakeholders who are benefiting from the use of different chemicals in farming abut without thinking about the general public and the environment.
Section 4:
Relative quotes:
“The clash has become one of ‘‘capital versus communities,’’ whereby corporations use the Interstate Commerce Clause in an attempt to override state legislation aimed at protecting family farming and communities” (Pittman,2004), (Linda Lobao and Curtis W. Stofferahn).
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